Anderson, Alex Ferguson,Andre Beyers,Michael Okwiri,Thomas Kuszcak,Achieng Butler,Gabriel Obertan, Patrice Evra wakipozi kwa picha ya Pamoja Old Trafford mara baada ya kuzindua kampeni maalum ya kusaidia vipaji vya soka Africa.
Andre Bayers--Afisa Masoko Mkuu Airtel Africa akipozi pichani na Meneja wa Machester United Sir Alex Fergerson

Partnership to support airtel Allstars search for young African football talent
· First partnership signed between Bharti airtel and Manchester United in the African continent

· airtel customers in Tanzania will have the opportunity to win tickets to watch the Red Devils play in Manchester

· airtel customers will have regular opportunities to take part in competitions and prize draws to win all expenses paid trips to attend Manchester United matches

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